Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Training Plan for the Dallas Half

It's official.  I put the finishing touches on my training plan last night.  I unofficially started training for the MetroPCS Dallas (Half) Marathon two weeks ago.  It's about time I wrote down my goals and plans.  My last half was in April and my time was 2:11:23.  I'm hoping to improve my PR by at least 5 minutes, which means my goal pace is going to be 9:40.

Now, for the plan you've all been waiting for.  Drumroll please....ta da!

It is not set in stone.  I almost never stick to a training plan 100% and almost always have a week when I get sick (knock on wood...not this time).  Also I'm a little nervous about doing the 8 mile Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving so close to my half, so that may turn into a training run or a different 10k.

My focus will be to run 4 times a week and slowly increase my weekly mileage.  I added a tempo run each week so I don't get too comfortable at a 10 minute pace like I tend to do.  Lately my runs have been really fast (for me) and I've felt really good about it.  I am definitely looking forward to this round of training.


  1. Woohoo! I'm excited you are going to be doing Dallas! And you can totally do the Turkey Trot 8 mile race... I did that when I did the Dallas half 2 years ago and found it to be great practice. Good luck with the training :D

  2. Looks like a great plan! The course for the Dallas half-marathon looks like a fun one!

    1. Thanks Tempie! I'm excited. It will be the biggest race I've ever done.

  3. Hey! Twitter follower here. I saw your a Catholic, runner, and Baylor Alum. We may become bffs. No, I didn't go to Baylor but in case you didn't know your school get a tons of grants and I use to work with them a good bit. Respect! :)


    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm headed to Baylor this weekend for a visit. :)
