When I started training in October, I told Daniel my goal was to run the 13.1 miles continuously at a 10:30 pace. He encouraged me to sign-up for a lot of races while I was training. I've done one race a month since September! All of the races and running kept increasing my confidence and in turn I would turn up my training. Quickly I was able to run faster and longer.
Running Along - Mile 9 (I'm behind the guy in red, waving)
Posing with my Finisher Medal
Sunrise Behind the Cotton Bowl Pre-Race
My feelings during the race varied. Of course each time I saw Daniel among a group of spectators I got really excited. Even though he didn't run this race with me, he was so supportive and drove around the course to see me at different spots. It kept me going knowing he was waiting for me. For the first 5 miles or so, I felt pretty good. I chased the 2:10 pace guys (thanks DRC!) and even passed them for a short time. Around mile 8 I began questioning why I signed up for this race. And between miles 10 and 13, all I could think about was the finish line and how proud I would be after I finished. Luckily my music and spectators along the course kept me distracted during most of the run.
Running to the Finish Line
Spectators always amaze me with their creativity. Here are my top 3 spectator signs from the race:
1. Girl holding poster that said "Why do all the cute ones keep running away?"
2. Poster said "You can't quit. You're not the Pope." (all respects to Pope Benedict XVI)
3. Around mile 10, poster said "Repeat after me. I am having fun...I am having fun..."
Picture at the Starting Line (happy)
Now I am resting and deciding what to do next. I've pigged out for the last three days, so I am going to have to learn not to eat everything in sight again. Please stay tuned....I have some exciting ideas for my next running/fitness goals.
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