After a very lazy weekend with family and a number of weeks without a blog post, I decided to sit down and type up an update. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I am finally getting into the holiday mood. One thing I am determined about is staying healthy through the holidays. This includes not overeating, not over stressing, and not forgetting to exercise. I stumbled across a great challenge that is all about staying on track during the holiday season. And with that I am happy to announce, I am an Elf for Health.
You may have seen the hashtag #elf4health on twitter and been wondering what it is all about. Well, it is a 4 week challenge hosted by nutritionella and the lean green bean. These two lovely ladies have put together a list of daily challenges to keep you focused during this extra busy time of year. They send weekly emails that include that week's challenges as well as tips to be successful.
In addition to these awesome daily challenges, each participant is partnered with an elf buddy to stay accountable and encourage one another. We just got our elf assignments today. My buddy's name is Anna and she is also a blogger. Check out her blog here.
Anyway, I'm super excited to get started tomorrow. It's not to late to join. Sign-up here. You will start receiving the emails and will get assigned an elf for round 2 (weeks 3 & 4).
And because I know I will not blog between now and Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving!!