Saturday, January 11, 2014

You Can't Always Get What You Want

This week has been frustrating for me.  I sat down to work on a training plan for a half marathon on February 15 (so soon...yikes!).  I realized that I'm already so behind when compared to the training I did for the Dallas half (that never happened).

I think a lot of it is based on this time of year.  It's colder, it's dark when I get off work, there is less motivation to go out and enjoy the day.  I've tried moving a lot of my runs indoors on the treadmill and that is the ultimate motivation sucker for me.  Let's take a look at last week's workouts, shall we?

Sunday - The "arctic" cold front had blown in, so I headed to the gym with 5 or 6 treadmill miles on the brain.  I just joined a new gym and found out that the cardio machines all turn off after 30 minutes to encourage sharing.  The gym wasn't busy while I was there, so after 3 miles, I reset my treadmill to go again.  This time I ran 1.5 miles before deciding I'd lost my groove and couldn't continue.  In total a 4.5 mile long run...not bad.

Monday - I convinced my mom to sign up for a 9 week aerobics/strength class with me.  She's still a little upset that I persuaded her, but eventually she will thank me (I hope).  For the first class we did step aerobics for about 30 minutes, and then some chest/upper arms and ab strengthening.  This was my first time ever doing step aerobics.  I really enjoyed the class and liked the instructor!

Tuesday - I woke up with a sore chest from the aerobics class.  Later in the morning, I realized my calf muscles were super sore too.  I figured a run after work would feel good even on sore legs.  I was wrong.  Half a mile in on the treadmill, I had to stop and massage my calves.  My muscles were so tight, so I finished up walking and riding the stationary bike.  Before I left the gym, I spent a long time stretching and using the foam roller.  The foam roller has never caused so much pain for me before.

Wednesday - My calves were feeling a little better.  My mom and I had our second aerobics class.  For the second class we did kickboxing cardio.  Any time there was a lot of jumping, I took it easy so my calves would be ready for a run on Thursday.  Again it was a great cross training class and I enjoyed the strength conditioning.

Thursday - My bicep muscles were sore, but my calf muscles were ready to rock.  It was raining, so I headed back to the treadmill.  This time my goal was 3 or 4 miles and I managed 2.75 before I could go no more.  I was trying to make-up miles from Tuesday, which I realized was not a good idea.  I have to listen to my body and give it rest when it needs rest.  I ended with more stretching and foam rolling, plus some ab moves from Tone It Up.

Friday - I had a long run planned for Saturday, so I sat out on Friday.

Saturday - My body must have appreciated the rest day on Friday because today I rocked 6 miles.  I hit my favorite trail in shorts and a t-shirt and couldn't have been happier.

My mileage for the last 2 weeks has been 10.5 miles and 9.25 miles respectively.  That is not the mileage I'd like to be doing a month before my next race, but it will have to do.  I keep reminding myself to focus on the good runs because there will always be bad runs.  Hopefully the class I'm taking with my mom will help build strength as well as work on my cardio endurance.


  1. I think it is so great that you and your mom are taking an aerobics class together! I bet she will thank you! Winter is always tough for me when it comes to running. I hate the cold and can only take so much of the treadmill.

    The weather was absolutely perfect today! I did a 3 mile run and threw in a few hill repeats to start getting ready for ZOOMA. :)

    1. I'm definitely adding more hills to my training over the next few months. I hope the warm weather sticks around a little longer this time.

  2. Hey! I hope things are going well with training :)
