Melissa, a fellow blogger over at The Redheaded Runner blog nominated me for a Liebster Award. Thank you Melissa.
I've looked up this "award" and found out it is a chain letter style award for new bloggers to share some facts about themselves, and at the same time, promote other small bloggers. A good explanation is here and here. So now onto...
The rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link them in your post.
Tell 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
Choose 5 or more blogs you like and link them in your post.
Write 11 questions for these bloggers, so they can answer them.
Go to their page and let them know that you nominated them.
So 11 facts...
1. My last name is Polish and forever long (Moczygemba), so I mostly use the name Julie M when commenting on blogs.
2. I learned to spell my name in pre-school when my dad sang it to the tune of the Mickey Mouse song.
3. I'm the youngest of 3 kids, and I love my older brother and sister.
4. I have 24 first cousins.
5. I graduated from Baylor with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
6. I played varsity tennis in high school.
7. Speaking of high school, I went to one of the largest public high schools in Texas. My graduating class contained over 1,250 students and graduation was in a former basketball/hockey arena (go Mavs!).
8. I play into the Texas stereotype because my parents own cattle. We don't live on a farm, although they both grew up on one. I love helping feed the cows (& naming them). Say hi to Speckles.
9. I used to play cello (for 4 years!).
10. I love listening to country music.
11. I love traditions and I hate change. I'm going to make a really good old person.
Now to answers Melissa's questions...
1. Why did you start running?
Gosh, I guess I started running in college to stay in shape. High school was easy. I had tennis practice for 2-3 hours every afternoon and could eat whatever I wanted. In college I realized, I had to make some effort on my own to stay athletic. I didn't really get hooked until my senior year when I signed up to run a half marathon that Baylor hosts. After crossing that finish line, I knew I wanted to feel that way again and the obsession began.
2. What motivates you in life?
I'm pretty self-motivated if I have a goal I want to accomplish. I always strive to be the best, whether it was at school, at work, running. My family has always been very supportive of everything I do and that motivates me to give it my all.
3. Trails or roads?
Roads. I've only tried trail running once. It was fun, but there aren't a lot of great parks near me. I also did not enjoy cleaning the mud off my shoes.
4. Worst race experience ever and what did you learn from it?
The Burning Pine 5k in Bastrop, TX. I ran it with my brother, his wife, and her friend. We all had goal times, but everyone ran about 2 minutes slower than their goal. I learned that not all race courses are created equal. This one was very hilly and I walked when I had to. It also taught me that hill workouts are important and can really improve performance.
5. Pre-race traditions i.e. obsessions
Nothing too out of the ordinary. Olive Garden Fettuccine Alfredo the night before. I lay out my clothes and bib before I go to sleep. In the morning I have a pre-race banana and usually a granola bar.
6. Parent to kids or a pet? Do tell. If neither applies WILD Card it, baby!
No. I had a rat terrier growing up. Her name was Skeeter. When I get my own house, I really want to get a dog.
7. What are your thoughts on New Years Resolutions?
I'm not a huge fan. People usually make a resolution that is either unattainable or so vague that there is no way to know if the goal was actually accomplished. I like shorter term SMART goals.
8. Tell us about one place you are just dying to visit.
Internationally...Poland and/or Germany.
Domestically....Chicago and Boston.
9. Dream race. Dish.
I really want to do a runDisney race. I was really close to signing up for the 2013 Wine & Dine half-marathon, but I waited a little too long and the race filled up.
10. How do you stay motivated to work out?
Signing up for races is a big motivator. I also use social media to keep myself accountable, which in turn keeps me motivated.
11. Perfect Friday night.
Dinner out and movie in. I love snuggling up on the couch in the comfort of my own home. Movies in the theater are good, but it's so much nicer to watch in a peaceful room without strangers around.
Next, my questions....
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your most memorable race/fitness accomplishment?
3. What is one goal you have for 2014?
4. Name one non-fitness related blog you follow.
5. What activities will be involved on your dream vacation?
6. Did you play any sports growing up?
7. When you were in kindergarten, what did you want to be when you grew up?
8. What is your favorite book?
9. What is your biggest strength?
10. Describe the best date you ever went on.
11. If you could live anywhere in the US, where would you live?
Lastly, my nominees...(all of these bloggers are just awesome)